Shabbat services are open to the public and include the usage of the Reform movement’s siddur, Mishkan T’Filah.
Erev Shabbat services are on Friday evenings, in person and on zoom beginning at 7:00 pm. Services are followed by an Oneg Shabbat and an opportunity for zoom participants to chat with each other. Holidays or other special events may occasionally change the start time of services. For the most up-to-date information, be sure to visit our calendar by clicking here.
Shabbat Minyan – 11:00 am
The Shabbat Minyan is comprised of a small group of men and women who want to delve deeper into their understanding of Jewish history, ethics, and principles. Over the years we have had new members join our group; it’s easy to fit right in.
The Minyan study group meets at 11:00 am every Saturday morning on Zoom, throughout the year, except for conflicting Jewish holidays. Each week includes the study of a different portion of text, which members generally read in advance. However, anyone can participate in the discussion as the material is always read together. Lively discussions include current events and references to other Jewish texts; some members choose to do research and bring additional materials. The completion of each major book of Torah usually includes a party to celebrate and a special Shabbat dedicated to a recapitulation of the book that was just finished.
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