Temple Sha’arey Shalom

Social Action

The Social Action Committee is actively bringing opportunities for our congregants to assist in Tikkun Olam, making our world a better place.  As a synagogue we are committed to pursuing social justice to improve our congregation, community and the world through direct service, education, advocacy, building alliances, and driving change. 

The Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism (RAC) has been the hub of Jewish social justice and legislative activity.  This year they are involved in getting out the vote and many of our congregants participated in “postcard parties” to encourage people to vote and providing information about where and when to vote.

We disseminated information to help teach people about the warning signs of potential school violence through the organization Sandy Hook Promise.

We also support Community Food Bank of NJ, Family Promise, and Bridges through collections of money, food and other items.

For more than 60 years, the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism has been the hub of Jewish social justice and legislative activity in Washington, D.C. We have helped activate the Jewish community in the key debates and mobilizations of each generation since our founding, from the civil rights movement to immigration reform.

Visit the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism Website

Fill up a grocery bag with non perishable food and bring it to the Temple between Rosh Ha’shanah and Yom Kippur, and we will have it donated to shelters and local Food Banks.

Family Promise is an interfaith non-profit organization committed to helping low-income families nationwide achieve lasting independence.We help families in our area, accomplish this, by providing shelter, meals, and support services for homeless families . Temple Sha’arey Shalom is part of the interfaith hospitality network that undertakes this task . We are a support congregation to those congregations who are able to house the homeless. We provide dinners and socialization with the guests. This is one way, we here at Sha’arey Shalom help repair the world.