Through the centuries, Jews have maintained the custom of commemorating occasions of joy and sorrow by making special contributions to their Temples. Temple Sha’arey Shalom has established several funds for this purpose. Please share your joys and sorrows with us by contributing to the following Temple Sha'arey Shalom Designated Funds.

To donate to a given fund below, please click below to download a Designated Funds Donation Form or scroll to the bottom of the page to pay using PayPal.

Adult & Congregational Education Fund
Supports programs of study and learning within the congregation, including special programs and trips to enhance the education of Judaism.

Beautification Fund
To assist in purchases and receipt of non-monetary donations, with approval from the Board of Trustees, which add to the Temple's beauty and/or enhancement.

Cantor’s Discretionary Fund
Assists Cantor in the enhancement of music and musical programming, through the purchase of music and tapes and hiring instrumentalists.

Choir Fund
Enables the choir to make purchases that will enhance the musical and listening pleasure of the Choir for the congregation.

College Outreach
To keep college age children of TSS members in touch with the Temple through various mailings and small holiday-appropriate gifts throughout the year.

General Fund
Supports the overall needs of the congregation, and any expenses of the designated fund maintenance and operations.

Health Initiative - Stacy Kaplan Memorial Fund
Provides support for health initiatives at TSS

Kiesel Family Israel Scholarship Fund
Provides scholarships for children of Sha’arey Shalom members who wish to participate in a NFTY Federation sponsored or other educational trip to Israel.

Library Fund
For purchases to aid in and reinforce Jewish learning and culture through books, magazines and other educational materials.

Moesch Family Youth Scholarship Fund
Enables children of Temple members who meet the requirements to receive aid for attending Reform Jewish summer camps, NFTY conclaves and conventions and special events directed towards the Jewish enrichment of our young people. Students in Grades 9-12 must have been a full dues paying member of the Senior Youth Group or Confirmation class, in the previous year of eligibility.

Prayer Book Fund
To enable the Temple to replenish existing prayer books or purchase new and different types of prayer books. Please contact the Temple Office for more information.

Pre-school Enrichment Fund
To aid in the enrichment of the pre-school program

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
Enables the Rabbi to confidentially assist individuals in need, particularly congregational members. In addition this fund may assist in achieving immediate needs to help Jewishly enrich the Temple.  This fund is confidential in nature.

Rabbi Joshua Goldstein Scholar/Artist in Residence Fund
Enables the congregation to maintain an annual weekend of learning with leading scholars and artists in the Jewish world.

Religious School Enrichment Fund
To aid in the enrichment of the religious school program.

Renaissance Fund
Enables support of activities organized and run by the Renaissance Group for its members and the congregation as a whole.

Ritual Fund
To enable congregants to make donations to enhance enjoyment of ritual activities.

Social Action
To fund efforts to promote social justice.

Stewart Bolton Mitzvah Memorial Fund
To enable the congregation to do "acts of kindness" for Temple members from their Temple membership units.

Torah Restoration Fund
As our Torah Scrolls age, they may require repair in order to preserve them.

V & R Cohen Hunger Relief Fund
To feed the homeless through the soup kitchen and "Bridges" endeavors.

Youth Group
To enable Jr/Sr Youth group to fund projects and activities.

Select the fund from the scroll down menu, enter the required information, press "Donate" and enter the dollar amount you wish to donate. Then press SUBMIT to complete the transaction.

Designated Funds Donations
Acknowledgement to be sent to
Sender’s name, address, phone number and email